Use Open Telemetry Tracing to track data
eKuiper's rule is a continuously running streaming computing task. Rules are used to process unbounded data flows. Under normal circumstances, rules will continue to run after they are started and continuously generate running status data. We can use open telemetry tracing to track the data changes of each piece of data in each operator.
Open Telemetry Tracing configuration
You can expose Open Telemetry data to the remote Open Telemetry Collector through configuration. At the same time, eKuiper also supports built-in collection of Open Telemetry Trcing data. You can limit the maximum amount of saved data through the following configuration.
serviceName: kuiperd-service
enableRemoteCollector: false
remoteEndpoint: localhost:4318
localTraceCapacity: 2048
Enable rule-level tracing
You can turn on data link tracing for the corresponding rule by setting enableRuleTracer
in the rule options
to true. For specific settings, please see Rules
Get the Trace ID of each piece of data
You can get the latest Trace ID corresponding to the rule through the Rest API.
View the most recent Trace ID based on rule ID
View traced data flow changes based on Trace ID
If you configure an Open Telemetry Tracing collector, you can query the storage and query platform behind the Open Telemetry collector through the Trace ID. At the same time, you can also obtain detailed tracing data by accessing the local Rest API.
View detailed tracing data based on Trace ID
Integrating Data Tracing with Open Telemetry Collector and Jaeger
eKuiper supports exposing Trace data to the Open Telemetry Collector, which in turn supports exposing Tracing data to Jaeger for visualization. We demonstrate this through the following example:
Launching Open Telemetry Collector and Jaeger Locally
Start the Open Telemetry Collector and Jaeger using docker-compose
通过 docker-compose 启动 open telemetry collector 和 Jaeger
docker-compose up -d
endpoint: jaeger:4317
insecure: true
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [batch]
exporters: [otlp]
version: '3.8'
image: jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
- "16686:16686" # Jaeger UI
- "14250:14250" # gRPC for Jaeger
- "14268:14268" # HTTP for Jaeger
- otel-net
image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:latest
command: ["--config=/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml"]
- ./collector.yaml:/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml
- "4318:4318" # OTLP HTTP receiver
- jaeger
- otel-net
driver: bridge
配置 eKuiper 开启将数据追踪发送到 Collector
serviceName: kuiperd-service
enableRemoteCollector: true
remoteEndpoint: localhost:4318
localTraceCapacity: 2048
Configuring eKuiper to Send Data Tracing to the Collector
Via REST API Create Rules
Enable data tracing for rules through REST API
Access Jaeger to view Trace data
Visit localhost:16686 to view Trace data in Jaeger
Debug rules through data tracing
In this example, we will debug the rules through data tracing to see how data is transferred among various operators in SQL.
Create rules
First we create a rule that will filter the data based on column a
"id": "rule1",
"sql": "select * from demo where a > 5",
"actions": [
"log": {
Send the data
Send two pieces of data, one of which will be filtered by the filter condition, and the other will not.
Get the TraceID list of rules through REST API
We can get the TraceID list of rules through the Rest API
View the corresponding data trace in Jaeger through TraceID
For the data {"a":10}, you can view the transmission of this data in various operators in Jaeger:
Since column a meets the filtering conditions of SQL, the data is not filtered and is eventually output.
For the data {"a":4}, you can view the transmission of this data in various operators in Jaeger:
Since column a does not meet the filtering conditions of SQL, the data is filtered and is not output.