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eKuiper REST api allows you to manage Config Keys, e.g. list, delete, register.

List all configKey

This API is used to get all Config Keys under a specific source name

GET http://localhost:9081/metadata/sources/yaml/{name}


name:Source name, supports built-in sources and extended sources. The built-in sources include mqtt, redis, neuron, memory, httppull, httppush, file, edgex, Extended sources include random, sql, video, zmq and user-defined sources


Example request to get all Config Keys from an MQTT source:

 curl http://localhost:9081/metadata/sources/yaml/mqtt
    "amd_broker": {
        "insecureSkipVerify": false,
        "protocolVersion": "3.1.1",
        "qos": 1,
        "server": "tcp://",
        "token": "******",
        "password": "******"
    "default": {
        "qos": 2,
        "server": "tcp://emqx:1883"
    "demo_conf": {
        "qos": 0,
        "server": "tcp://"

Note: When retrieving Config Keys, if the properties contain a password/token field (case-insensitive, such as Password), the API will not return the actual password/token value, but instead replace it with "******" to conceal the password/token information.

Delete a configKey

This API is used to delete a Config Key configuration under a specific source name

DELETE http://localhost:9081/metadata/sources/{name}/confKeys/{confKey}


  1. name:Source name, supports built-in sources and extended sources. The built-in sources include mqtt, redis, neuron, memory, httppull, httppush, file, edgex, Extended sources include random, sql, video, zmq and user-defined sources
  2. confKey: Config Key Name。Taking the above as an example, the Config Keys are amd_broker, default, demo_conf in sequence.


Delete the Config Key named demo_conf under the MQTT source

 curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9081/metadata/sources/mqtt/confKeys/demo_conf

Register a configKey

This API is used to register a Config Key under a specific source name

PUT http://localhost:9081/metadata/sources/{name}/confKeys/{confKey}


  1. name:Source name, supports built-in sources and extended sources. The built-in sources include mqtt, redis, neuron, memory, httppull, httppush, file, edgex, Extended sources include random, sql, video, zmq and user-defined sources
  2. confKey: Config Key name to register


Register the Config Key named demo_conf under the MQTT source

 curl -X PUT http://localhost:9081/metadata/sources/mqtt/confKeys/demo_conf
   "demo_conf": {
        "qos": 0,
        "server": "tcp://"