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The eKuiper REST api for schemas allows you to manage schemas, such as create, show, drop and describe schemas.

Create a schema

The API accepts a JSON content and create a schema. Each schema type has a standalone endpoint. Currently, only one schema type protobuf is supported. Schema is identified by its name, so the name must be unique for each type.

POST http://localhost:9081/schemas/protobuf

Schema content inside request body:

  "name": "schema1",
  "content": "message Book {required string title = 1; required int32 price = 2;}"

Schema content in a file:

  "name": "schema2",
  "file": "file:///tmp/ekuiper/internal/schema/test/test2.proto"

Schema with static plugin:

  "name": "schema2",
  "file": "file:///tmp/ekuiper/internal/schema/test/test2.proto",
   "soFile": "file:///tmp/ekuiper/internal/schema/test/so.proto"


  1. name:the unique name of the schema.
  2. schema content, use file or content parameter to specify. After schema created, the schema content will be written into file data/schemas/$shcema_type/$schema_name.
    • file: the url of the schema file. The url can be http or https scheme or file scheme to refer to a local file path of the eKuiper server. The schema file must be the file type of the corresponding schema type. For example, protobuf schema file's extension name must be .proto.
    • content: the text content of the schema.
  3. soFile:The so file of the static plugin. Detail about the plugin creation, please check customize format.

Show schemas

The API is used for displaying all schemas defined in the server.

GET http://localhost:9081/schemas/protobuf

Response Sample:


Describe a schema

The API is used for print the detailed definition of a schema.

GET http://localhost:9081/schemas/protobuf/{name}

Path parameter name is name of the schema.

Response Sample:

  "type": "protobuf",
  "name": "schema1",
  "content": "message Book {required string title = 1; required int32 price = 2;}",
  "file": "ekuiper\\etc\\schemas\\protobuf\\schema1.proto"

Delete a schema

The API is used for dropping the schema.

DELETE http://localhost:9081/schemas/protobuf/{name}

Update a schema

The API is used for updating the schema. The request body is the same as creating a schema.

PUT http://localhost:9081/schemas/protobuf/{name}

  "name": "schema2",
  "file": ""