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Rule Test Run

When writing rules, users need to verify whether the rules are correct, and combine data to verify whether the rules can run normally to get the expected results. This section's series of APIs are used to support the trial run of rules, so that preliminary verification of the rules can be done without the need to tediously create rule input data.

The test rule is a temporary rule, it will not be saved on the server, and is only used for the trial run of the rule. Test rules can only be managed using the APIs in this section. The rule running time is fixed (currently 10 minutes), and it will automatically stop and clear after the time is exceeded. The general steps for using rule trial run are as follows:

  1. Create a test rule, get the id and port of the test rule.
  2. Use the id and port of the test rule to connect and listen to the WebSocket service. Its service address is http://locahost:10081/test/myid where 10081 is the port value returned in step 1, and myid is the id of the test rule.
  3. Start the test rule, wait for the test rule to run. The rule running result will be returned through the WebSocket service.
  4. After the rule trial run ends, delete the test rule, and close the WebSocket service.


The WebSocket service defaults to port 10081, which can be modified by the httpServerPort field in the kuiper.yaml configuration file. Before using the test rule, please make sure that this port is accessible.

Create a Test Rule

POST /ruletest

Create a trial run rule, wait for it to run. This API can check syntax, ensuring the creation of an executable trial run rule. The request body is required, the request body format is application/json, an example is as follows:

  "id": "uuid",
  "sql": "select * from demo",
  "mockSource": {
    "demo": {
      "data": [
          "a": 2
          "b": 3
      "interval": 100,
      "loop": true
    "demo1": {
      "data": [
          "n": 2
          "n": 3
      "interval": 200,
      "loop": true
  "sinkProps": {
    "dataTemplate": "xxx",
    "fields": [

The request body parameters contain 4 parts:

  • id: The id of the test rule, required, used for subsequent test rule management. Ensure uniqueness, it cannot be repeated with other test rules, otherwise the original test rule will be overwritten. This id has no association with the id of ordinary rules.
  • sql: The sql statement of the test rule, required, used to define the syntax of the test rule.
  • mockSource: The mock rule definition of the data source of the test rule, optional, used to define the input data of the test rule. If not defined, the real data source in SQL will be used.
  • sinkProps: The definition of the sink parameters of the test rule, optional. Most of the common parameters of the sink can be used, such as dataTemplate and fields. If not defined, the default sink parameters will be used.

If created successfully, the return example is as follows:

  "id": "uuid",
  "port": 10081

After the rule is created successfully, the websocket endpoint starts. Users can listen to the websocket address http://locahost:10081/test/uuid to get the result output. Among them, the port and id are the above return values.

If creation fails, the status code is 400, return error information, an example is as follows:

  "msg": "error message here"

Start the Test Rule

POST /ruletest/{id}/start

Start the trial run rule, WebSocket will be able to receive the data output after the rule runs.

Delete the Test Rule

DELETE /ruletest/{id}

Delete the trial run rule, WebSocket will stop the service.