REST action
The action is used for publish output message into a RESTful API.
Property name | Optional | Description |
method | true | The HTTP method for the RESTful API. It is a case insensitive string whose value is among "get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete" and "head". The default value is "get". |
url | false | The RESTful API endpoint, such as |
bodyType | true | The type of the body. Currently, these types are supported: "none", "json", "text", "html", "xml", "javascript", "form", "binary" and "formdata". For "get" and "head", no body is required so the default value is "none". For other http methods, the default value is "json" For "html", "xml" and "javascript", the dataTemplate must be carefully set up to make sure the format is correct. |
timeout | true | The timeout (milliseconds) for a HTTP request, defaults to 5000 ms |
headers | true | The additional headers to be set for the HTTP request. |
formdata | true | If bodyType is formdata, this property specifies key-value pairs for form data. The encoded body (in bytes) will be transmitted as a file. Each key-value pair represents one part of the multipart form. |
fileFieldName | true | Specifies the form field name when uploading files via multipart/form-data |
debugResp | true | Control if print the response information into the console. If set it to true , then print response; If set to false , then skip print log. The default is false . |
certificationPath | true | The certification path. It can be an absolute path, or a relative path. If it is an relative path, then the base path is where you excuting the kuiperd command. For example, if you run bin/kuiperd from /var/kuiper , then the base path is /var/kuiper ; If you run ./kuiperd from /var/kuiper/bin , then the base path is /var/kuiper/bin . |
privateKeyPath | true | The private key path. It can be either absolute path, or relative path, which is similar to use of certificationPath. |
rootCaPath | true | The location of root ca path. It can be an absolute path, or a relative path, which is similar to use of certificationPath. |
tlsMinVersion | true | Specifies the minimum version of the TLS protocol that will be negotiated with the client. Accept values are tls1.0 , tls1.1 , tls1.2 and tls1.3 . Default: tls1.2 . |
renegotiationSupport | true | Determines how and when the client handles server-initiated renegotiation requests. Support never , once or freely options. Default: never . |
insecureSkipVerify | true | Control if to skip the certification verification. If it is set to true , then skip certification verification; Otherwise, verify the certification. The default value is true . |
oAuth | true | Define the authentication flow to follow the OAuth style. Other authentication method like apikey can directly set the key to header only, not need to set this configuration. Refer to OAuth configuration in httppull source for more information. |
Other common sink properties are supported. Please refer to the sink common properties for more information.
REST service usually requires a specific data format. That can be imposed by the common sink property dataTemplate
. Please check the data template. Below is a sample configuration for connecting to Edgex Foundry core command. The dataTemplate {{.key}}
means it will print out the value of key, that is result[key]. So the template here is to select only field key
in the result and change the field name to newKey
. sendSingle
is another common property. Set to true means that if the result is an array, each element will be sent individually.
"rest": {
"url": "",
"method": "post",
"dataTemplate": "\"newKey\":\"{{.key}}\"",
"sendSingle": true
Example to use oAuth style authentication:
"id": "ruleFollowBack",
"sql": "SELECT follower FROM followStream",
"actions": [{
"rest": {
"url": "https://com.awebsite/follows",
"method": "POST",
"sendSingle": true,
"bodyType": "json",
"dataTemplate": "{\"data\":{\"relationships\":{\"follower\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"users\",\"id\":\"1398589\"}},\"followed\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"users\",\"id\":\"{{.follower}}\"}}},\"type\":\"follows\"}}",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {{.access_token}}"
"oAuth": {
"access": {
"url": "https://com.awebsite/oauth/token",
"body": "{\"grant_type\": \"password\",\"username\": \"\",\"password\": \"mypass\"}",
"expire": "3600"
Visualization mode
Use visualization create rules SQL and Actions
Text mode
Use text json create rules SQL and Actions
Example for taosdb rest:
{"id": "rest1",
"sql": "SELECT tele[0].Tag00001 AS temperature, tele[0].Tag00002 AS humidity FROM neuron",
"actions": [
"rest": {
"bodyType": "text",
"dataTemplate": "insert into mqtt.kuiper values (now, {{.temperature}}, {{.humidity}})",
"debugResp": true,
"headers": {"Authorization": "Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ=="},
"method": "POST",
"sendSingle": true,
"url": ""
Configure dynamic properties
There are many scenarios that we need to sink to dynamic url and configurations through REST sink. The properties method
, url
and headers
support dynamic property through jsonpath syntax. Let's look at an example to modify the previous sample to a dynamic version. Assume we receive data which have metadata like http method and url postfix. We can modify the SQL to fetch these metadata in the result. The rule result will be like:
"temperature": 20,
"humidity": 80
Then in the action, we set the method
and url
to be the value of the result by using data template syntax as below:
{"id": "rest2",
"sql": "SELECT tele[0]->Tag00001 AS temperature, tele[0]->Tag00002 AS humidity, method, concat(\"\", urlPostfix) as url FROM neuron",
"actions": [
"rest": {
"bodyType": "text",
"dataTemplate": "insert into mqtt.kuiper values (now, {{.temperature}}, {{.humidity}})",
"debugResp": true,
"headers": {"Authorization": "Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ=="},
"method": "{{.method}}",
"sendSingle": true,
"url": "{{.url}}"
File Upload
To upload data as files to an HTTP server, use bodyType=formdata
Key Characteristics:
- Uses "multipart/form-data" content type
- Binary results will be uploaded as form file content
- Additional form attributes can be configured via
Best Practices:
- For high-frequency data sources, configure batching or window aggregation to avoid frequent small file uploads.
Example Configuration:
"id": "restUpload",
"sql": "SELECT value1, value2 FROM neuron",
"actions": [
"rest": {
"url": "",
"method": "post",
"fileFieldName": "file1",
"formData": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"batchSize": 10,
"format": "delimited",
"sendSingle": true
In this example, the format delimited
will encode the content into csv which containing 10 records each and upload.