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Scan Table Scenarios

Typically, table will be joined with stream with or without a window. When joining with stream, table data won't affect the downstream data, it is treated like a static referenced data, although it may be updated internally.

Enrich data

A typical usage for table is as a lookup table. Sample SQL will be like:

    id BIGINT,
    name STRING
  ) WITH (DATASOURCE="lookup.json", FORMAT="JSON", TYPE="file");

SELECT * FROM demo INNER JOIN table1 on =

In this example, a table table1 is created to read json data from file lookup.json. Then in the rule, table1 is joined with the stream demo so that the stream can lookup the name from the id.

The content of lookup.json file should be an array of objects. Below is an example:

    "id": 1541152486013,
    "name": "name1"
    "id": 1541152487632,
    "name": "name2"
    "id": 1541152489252,
    "name": "name3"

Filter by history state

In some scenario, we may have an event stream for data and another event stream as the control information.

CREATE TABLE stateTable (
    id BIGINT,
    triggered bool
  ) WITH (DATASOURCE="myTopic", FORMAT="JSON", TYPE="mqtt");

SELECT * FROM demo LEFT JOIN stateTable on =  WHERE triggered=true

In this example, a table stateTable is created to record the trigger state from mqtt topic myTopic. In the rule, the data of demo stream is filtered with the current trigger state.