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RedisSub Source Connector

stream sourcescan table source

eKuiper has built-in support for Redis data sources, allowing data querying and channel subscription within Redis.Please note that the RedisSub source can be used as both a streaming and scanning table data source,while the Redis source can be used as a lookup table.


Before using the RedisSub Source Connector, it's essential to configure the connection settings and other relevant parameters. Here are the available configuration options:

The configuration file for the RedisSub source is located at /etc/sources/redisSub.yaml.

   username: default
   db: 0

Configuration Items

  • address:Specifies the address of the Redis server in the format hostname:port or IP_address:port.
  • username:Sets the username for accessing the Redis server. This is only required when the server has authentication enabled.
  • password:Sets the password for accessing the Redis server. This is only required when the server has authentication enabled.
  • db:Selects the Redis database to connect to. The default is 0.
  • channels:Used to specify a list of Redis channels to subscribe to.
  • decompression:Specifies the compression method for decompressing Redis Payload. Supported compression methods include "zlib," "gzip," "flate," and "zstd."

Create a Stream Source

To utilize the RedisSub source Connector in eKuiper streams, define a stream specifying the RedisSub source, its configuration, and the data format.

You can define the RedisSub source as the data source either by REST API or CLI tool.


The REST API offers a programmatic way to interact with eKuiper, perfect for users looking to automate tasks or integrate eKuiper operations into other systems.


CREATE STREAM redisSub_stream () WITH (FORMAT="json", TYPE="redisSub");

More details can be found at Streams Management with REST API.


For users who prefer a hands-on approach, the Command Line Interface (CLI) provides direct access to eKuiper's operations.

  1. Navigate to the eKuiper binary directory:

    cd path_to_eKuiper_directory/bin
  2. Use the create command to define a stream for the RedisSub source connector:

    ./kuiper create stream redisSub_stream ' WITH (FORMAT="json", TYPE="redisSub")'

More details can be found at Streams Management with CLI.