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A lightweight loT edge stream processing - eKuiper plugin development tutorial

LF Edge eKuiper is a lightweight loT streaming data processing software based on SQL. It provides a set of plugin mechanism for implementing customized source, sink and SQL function to extend the ability of stream processing. This tutorial gives a detailed introduction to the process of development, compilation, and deployment of the eKuiper plugin.


eKuiper plugin is based on the plugin mechanism of Golang, users can build loosely-coupled plugin applications, dynamic loading and binding when it is running. However, because the limitation of the Golang plugin system, the compilation and usage of the eKuiper plugin also have corresponding limitations:

  • The plugin does not support Windows system
  • The compilation environment of the plugin is required to be as consistent as possible with eKuiper. Including but not limited to:
    • The same Go version
    • The version of the same libraries plugin and eKuiper depend on must be completely the same, including eKuiper itself
    • The plugin needs to be completely consistent with GOPATH of the eKuiper compilation environment

These limitations are relatively strict, and they almost require compiling and running the plugin and eKuiper on the same machine. It often results in the plugin which complied by the development environment can not be used in producing eKuiper. This article gives a detailed introduction to one reliable and available plugin development environment setting and process, which is recommended to the eKuiper plugin developer to use. Generally, the process for development and usage of the plugin is as follows:

  • Development
    • Create and develop the plugin project
    • Compile and debug the plugin
  • Deployment
    • Compile plugins which can be used for the production environment
    • Deploy plugins to the production environment

Plugin development

Developing plugin is generally carried out in the development environment. eKuiper plugins will be deployed to the production environment after passing debugging and running the development environment. Since the limitation of Golang plugin system, here we provide two practical ways for plugin developer to set up environment for eKuiper plugin: create the plugin project inside eKuiper and create the plugin project outside eKuiper. The eKuiper plugin has three types: sources,functions and sinks, for the detailed method of plugin development: LF Edge eKuiper extension. This article will take the Sink plugin as an example to introduce the process of plugin development and deployment. We will develop a basic MySql sink, for write stream output data to the MySql database. The workflow list as followings:

  • Create the plugin project
  • Create file mysql.go under the sinks directory
  • Edit file mysql.go for implementing the plugin
    • Implement api.Sink interface
    • Export Symbol: Mysql. It could be a constructor function so that each rule can instantiate an own mysql plugin instance. Or it could be the struct which means every rule will share a singleton of the plugin. If the plugin has states like the connection, the first approach is preferred.
  • Edit go.mod, add Mysql driver module
  • Build the eKuiper and plugin

Create the plugin project inside eKuiper

When users develop the plugin by this way, he must firstly download the eKuiper source code and run make command inside the eKuiper root directory. There are some plugin examples in the extensions directory of the eKuiper project source code. The advantage is all existing official plugins are developed by this way so new plugin developer can directly start instead of setting up a new project from scratch. Users can also use extensions directory to develop the plugins, the structure of project is like this:


The extensions directory is using Go module to manage the existing example plugins packages, so users just need create a new directory for their plugin, put their code there and update the dependency in go.mod file.

Next users need edit the mysql.go and implement the plugin. The complete source code of mysql.go is as follows:

package main

// This is a simplified mysql sink which is for test and develop only

import (
  _ ""

type mysqlConfig struct {
  Url   string `json:"url"`
  Table string `json:"table"`

type mysqlSink struct {
  conf *mysqlConfig
  //The db connection instance
  db *sql.DB

func (m *mysqlSink) Configure(props map[string]interface{}) error {
  cfg := &mysqlConfig{}
  err := cast.MapToStruct(props, cfg)
  if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("read properties %v fail with error: %v", props, err)
  if cfg.Url == "" {
    return fmt.Errorf("property Url is required")
  if cfg.Table == "" {
    return fmt.Errorf("property Table is required")
  m.conf = cfg
  return nil

func (m *mysqlSink) Open(ctx api.StreamContext) (err error) {
  logger := ctx.GetLogger()
  logger.Debugf("Opening mysql sink %v", m.conf)
  m.db, err = sql.Open("mysql", m.conf.Url)
  if err != nil {

// This is a simplified version of data collect which just insert the received string into hardcoded name column of the db
func (m *mysqlSink) Collect(ctx api.StreamContext, item interface{}) error {
  logger := ctx.GetLogger()
  v, _, err := ctx.TransformOutput(item)
  if err != nil {
    return err

  //TODO 生产环境中需要处理item unmarshall后的各种类型。
  // 默认的类型为 []map[string]interface{}
  // 如果sink的`dataTemplate`属性有设置,则可能为各种其他的类型
  logger.Debugf("mysql sink receive %s", item)
  //TODO 此处列名写死。生产环境中一般可从item中的键值对获取列名
  sql := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (`name`) VALUES ('%s')", m.conf.Table, v)
  insert, err := m.db.Query(sql)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  defer insert.Close()
  return nil

func (m *mysqlSink) Close(ctx api.StreamContext) error {
  if m.db != nil {
    return m.db.Close()
  return nil

// export the constructor function to be used to instantiates the plugin
func Mysql() api.Sink {
  return &mysqlSink{}

Create the plugin project outside eKuiper

However, users usually need to create the new project outside of the eKuiper project to develop customized plugins, to manage code more conveniently. It's recommended to use Go module to develop plugin projects, the code structure of project is listed as following.

  sinks           //source code directory of the plugin sink
  go.mod          //file go module

Next we need edit the mysql.go and implement the plugin, users can use the same code previously introduced. Developing a plugin needs to extend the interface in eKuiper, so it must depend on the eKuiper project. A typical go.mod is as follows:

module samplePlugin

go 1.22

require ( v0.0.0-20200323140757-60d00241372b

mysql.go also have a dependency for mysql package, so the finial go.mod is this.

module samplePlugin

go 1.22

require ( v0.0.0-20200323140757-60d00241372b v1.5.0

Compile and debug the plugin

The environment of compiling the plugin should be consistent with that of eKuiper. In the development environment, the typical usage is that locally download and compile eKuiper and plugin, and then debug plugin functions in the local eKuiper, or compile the plugin in the docker container of eKuiper and use the eKuiper container to debug it.

Compile locally

If users create plugin project inside eKuiper, then he can just use the following method to build the plugin.

   # compile the eKuiper
   go build -trimpath -o ./_build/$build/bin/kuiperd cmd/kuiperd/main.go
   # compile the plugin that using the extensions folder within eKuiper project
   go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o ./_build/$build/plugins/sinks/ extensions/sinks/mysql/mysql.go

However, if developers create plugin project outside eKuiper, he needs following steps to compile eKuiper and the plugin for debugging:

  1. Download eKuiper source code: git clone

  2. Compile eKuiper: run make under the eKuiper directory

  3. Build env set up: in order to compile the plugin in the same environment with ekuiper, users need do some special steps to set up the build environment.

    1. Users can place eKuiper and the plugin in the same directory, and the project directory looks like the following structure:

    2. In version 1.9.0, we have used the go workspace feature to refactor the go mod build of the submodules, so we can use go workspace to resolve dependencies. Go to the workspace directory and create a workspace:

      go work init ./ekuiper ./samplePlugin
    3. After these steps, the plugin and eKuiper project will look like this

  4. compile eKuiper and plugin inside the workspace project

      # compile the eKuiper
    go build -trimpath -o ./_build/$build/bin/kuiperd cmd/kuiperd/main.go
    cd $workspacePath
      # compile the plugin that using self-managed project within eKuiper project
    go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o ./ekuiper/_build/$build/plugins/sinks/ ./samplePlugin/sinks/mysql.go

Note: There are restrictions on the naming of plugins. See details in Plugin Overview.

Docker compile

eKuiper provides different docker images for different purpose. The development docker image should be used for compiling plugins. Since 1.7.1, the development docker image tag format is x.x.x-dev(From 0.4.0 to 1.7.0, the tag format is x.x.x) . Compared with the running version, the development version provides the development environment of Go, which lets users compile the plugin that can be completely compatible with the officially published version of eKuiper. Since the go workspace feature is only available after 1.9.0, the following steps only apply to versions later than 1.9.0. The compiling steps in docker are as follows:

  1. Run docker of the development version of eKuiper. Users need to mount the local plugin directory to the directory in docker, and then they can access and compile the plugin project in docker. The author's plugin project is located in the local /var/git directory. We map the local directory /var/git to the /go/plugins directory in docker by using the following commands.

    docker run -d --name kuiper-dev --mount type=bind,source=/var/git,target=/go/plugins lfedge/ekuiper:1.9.0
  2. The principle of compiling plugins in docker environment is the same as the local compilation. The compiled plugin is locating in the target directory of the plugin project.

    1. get into the compiling docker environment

        # In host
        docker exec -it kuiper-dev /bin/sh
    2. eKuiper main path set: in compiling docker image, eKuiper project located in /go/kuiper

        # In docker instance
        export EKUIPER_SOURCE=/go/kuiper
    3. do the necessary steps listed in former compile locally steps, the structure should like this


      Users can use the following command:

      # In docker instance
      cp -r /go/plugins/samplePlugin /go/samplePlugin
      go work init ./kuiper ./samplePlugin
    4. go to the workspace project path and run the local command

        # In docker instance
        go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o ./kuiper/_build/$build/plugins/sinks/ ./samplePlugin/sinks/mysql.go

eKuiper offers an Alpine version of its image, but it does not come with the Go environment pre-installed. To compile plugins using the Alpine image, users will need to install the necessary dependencies themselves. Alternatively, users can opt to use the Golang image as their base environment, which includes the Go environment and simplifies the plugin compilation process(If you are using the golang 1.22 version image and want to compile eKuiper plugins, you can use the provided base image ( as the base environment. Plugins compiled using this base image will not encounter the "Error loading shared library" when deployed to the alpine version of eKuiper). Here are the specific steps to follow when using the Golang image as the base environment:

  1. To use the Golang image as the base environment, you'll need to make sure that you have the correct version of the Golang image installed. Additionally, you'll need to mount the local plugin directory and eKuiper source code into a directory within Docker, so that you can access and compile the plugin project within the Docker environment. Assuming that your plugin project is located in the local directory /var/git, you can map this directory to the /go/plugins directory within Docker using the following command:

    docker run --rm -it -v /var/git:/go/plugins -w /go/plugins golang:1.22.1 /bin/sh
  2. Do the necessary steps listed in former compile locally steps, the structure should like this

       Users can use the following command:
       ``` shell
       # In docker instance
       cd /go/plugins
       go work init ./kuiper ./samplePlugin
  3. To obtain the compiled plugin, execute the following command:

    # In docker instance
    go build -trimpath --buildmode=plugin -o ./samplePlugin/sinks/mysql.go

Debug and run the plugin

Run eKuiper in the local or Develop Docker, create streams and rules, set action of the rule to mysql, then users can test the customized mysql sink plugin. Please refer eKuiper documentation for the steps of creating streams and rules. The following provides a rule using the mysql plugin for reference.

  "id": "ruleTest",
  "sql": "SELECT * from demo",
  "actions": [
      "log": {},
        "url": "user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/database",
        "table": "test"

note: The interface implemented in mysql.go inserts data into a table only with column name. During development testing, it is also fine to manually copy the compiled .so file and the .yaml file(if any) to the corresponding folders and then restart eKuiper. In development docker image, the default eKuiper location is /usr/local/kuiper. It should be noted that loading the new version after compiling the plugin again needs to restart eKuiper.

Plugin deployment

If the production environment and development environment are different, the developed plugin needs to be compiled again and deployed to the production environment. Assuming that the production environment adopts eKuiper docker to deploy, this article will describe how to deploy the plugin to the production environment.


The plugin should use the same environment as the production environment eKuiper to compile in principle. If the production environment is eKuiper docker, should use the dev docker environment that has the same version as the production environment to compile the plugin. For example, if the production environment uses docker mirroring lfedge/ekuiper:0.4.0-slim, the plugin should be compiled in lfedge/ekuiper:0.4.0 environment.

Please refer Docker compile for the compilation process. The compiled plugin can be tested in the Development Docker image before deploying.


Users can use REST API or CLI to manage plugins. The following takes the REST API as an example to deploy the plugin compiled in the previous step to the production environment.

  1. Package the plugin and put it into the http server. Package the file .so of the plugin compiled in the previous step and the default configuration file (only required for source) .yaml into a .zip file (assuming that the file is Put this file into the http server that the production environment can also access.

    • Some plugin may depend on libs that are not installed on eKuiper environment. The user can either install them manually in the eKuiper server or put the install script and dependencies in the plugin zip and let the plugin management system do the installation. Please refer to Plugin File Format for detail.
  2. Use REST API to create plugins:

    POST http://{$production_eKuiper_ip}:9081/plugins/sinks
    Content-Type: application/json
  3. Verify whether the plugin was created successfully or not

    GET http://{$production_eKuiper_ip}:9081/plugins/sinks/mysql


       "name": "mysql",
       "version": "1.0.0"

Note: if you intend to deploy the plugin in an Alpine environment, you may encounter an error stating Error loading shared library after completing the above steps(We are planning to develop a dedicated image for alpine system development, namely the alpine-dev version. Please stay tuned for our latest updates and developments.). In such a case, here is a solution you can try:

# In docker instance
apk add gcompat
cd /lib
ln  /usr/lib/

So far, the plugin has been deployed successfully. Users can create rules with mysql sink for verification.