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Data Import/Export Management

eKuiper REST api allows to import or export data.

Data Format

The file format for importing and exporting data is JSON, which can contain : streams, tables, rules, plugin, source yaml and so on. Each type holds the the key-value pair of the name and the creation statement. In the following example file, we define stream 、rules、table、plugin、source config、sink config

    "streams": {
        "demo": "CREATE STREAM demo () WITH (DATASOURCE=\"users\", FORMAT=\"JSON\")"
    "tables": {
      "T110":"\n CREATE TABLE T110\n (\n S1 string\n )\n WITH (DATASOURCE=\"test.json\", FORMAT=\"json\", TYPE=\"file\", KIND=\"scan\", );\n "
    "rules": {
        "rule1": "{\"id\": \"rule1\",\"sql\": \"SELECT * FROM demo\",\"actions\": [{\"log\": {}}]}",
        "rule2": "{\"id\": \"rule2\",\"sql\": \"SELECT * FROM demo\",\"actions\": [{  \"log\": {}}]}"

Import Data

The API resets all existing data and then imports the new data into the system by default. But user can specify partial=1 parameter in HTTP URL to keep the existing data and apply the new data. The API supports specifying data by means of text content or file URIs.

Example 1: Import by text content

POST http://{{host}}/data/import
Content-Type: application/json

  "content": "{json of the ruleset}"

Example 2: Import by file URI

POST http://{{host}}/data/import
Content-Type: application/json

  "file": "file:///tmp/a.json"

Example 3: Import data via file URI and exit (for plug-ins and static schema updates, users need to ensure that eKuiper can be restarted after exiting)

POST http://{{host}}/data/import?stop=1
Content-Type: application/json

  "file": "file:///tmp/a.json"

Example 4: Keep the old data and import new data (overwrite the tables/streams/rules/source config/sink config. install plugins/schema if not exist, else ignore them)

POST http://{{host}}/data/import?partial=1
Content-Type: application/json

  "file": "file:///tmp/a.json"

Import data status

This API returns data import errors. If all returns are empty, it means that the import is completely successful.

GET http://{{host}}/data/import/status

Example 1: The data import is completely successful

GET http://{{host}}/data/import/status
Content-Type: application/json


Example 2: Failed to import plugin

GET http://{{host}}/data/import/status
Content-Type: application/json

    "sinks_tdengine":"fail to download file file:///root/ekuiper-jran/_plugins/ubuntu/sinks/ stat /root/ekuiper-jran/_plugins/ubuntu/sinks/ no such file or directory",
    "sources_random":"fail to download file file:///root/ekuiper-jran/_plugins/ubuntu/sources/ stat /root/ekuiper-jran/_plugins/ubuntu/sources/ no such file or directory"},

Data Export

The export API returns a file to download.

Example 1: export all data

GET http://{{host}}/data/export

Example 2: export specific rules related data

POST -d '["rule1","rule2"]' http://{{host}}/data/export